IDAS Nebula Booster Series – 1

Last day of June was really nice night. It was great opportunity to start playing around IDAS new filters.

My setups were;

  1. HEUIBII, NGS1 and NB1 with a modified Canon 6D thru BORG 107FL F3.9ED – The camera has built-in filter box. cooled2
  2. NB2, NB3 and ODW(clear) with a modified Sony A7 thru BORG 72FL F4 (prototype) – Twin filter-box system. So this allows to change a base filter too. 0613b


Primary purposes were to learn and analyze myself how to use which filters for which targets. So each image is single shot, unguided, no dark and no flat. short exposure at high ISO, and no image processing. I only adjusted the background color balance for NB2 and 3 shots. And all filters are par-focal. So I’ve never re-focused.

I will post my some other results little by little.

1st is M8/M20 taken with above setup #2. All 3 shots’ base filter were NGS1-52.


ODW-52 (1 minute – Broadband, based on NGS1 response curves)

Clear filter. So color result completely comes from NGS1. This image was simply converted to jpeg from RAW. Nothing to be tweaked.  Color saturated. But this shows the good match with a modified DSLR.


NB2-52 (2 minutes, dual-band – OIII & Ha)

The filter blocked M20’s reflection nebulosity section. But it was clearly what anticipated. Broadband filter covers that.


NB3-52 (2 minutes, dual-band – OIII & SII)

This was interesting to me. R-channel has nothing. So there is no(or nearly) SII . So this should be OIII signal(?).

And a following is the finish after simply stacked from above 3 frames, and a bit stretched out.


3 frames blended (total 5 minutes, 1+2+2, no dark & no flat)

I don’t think simply stacking is the best way. This is exactly what I have to learn more how to complete the image processing from narrowband frames.

Filter changing makes me busy over the night. But it gives me more fun for the shooting process and shows me something new.

So far, what I learned (if my understanding is correct) is

  • OIII is relatively weaker signal than Ha
  • But twice more exposure (NB2+NB3. Ha is only thru NB2)
  • So this allows to relatively more strength OIII signal against to Ha(??)

ps. NB2 &3 with a modified DSLR are red-dominant result. But astro OSC camera should be perfect. We will see.


~ by tedishikawa on July 1, 2019.

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