IDAS HEUIB-II Filter – 4

Followings are the comparison test of background color under light polluted sky. All were taken by a modified 6DH(Canon UV/IR blocking) at same exposure – 1 minutes in AWB mode.

setBORG’s built-in filter box system makes filter change quite easy

nofilterNo filter (Canon UV/IR blocking only)




As you can see each histogram, HEUIB-II’s RGB are still completely matched even under light polluted sky. This is amazing!! LPS-P2 shows a bit shifting to reddish for the modified DSLRs. It was more optimized for monochrome cameras.  LPS-V4 is well designed to maintain good RGB balance for modified DSLRs in light polluted condition.  This is why I loved using LPS-V4 all the time.

Ideal way is to take HEUIB-II to the dark site. If not allowed, still LPSs work very well too. How will HEUIB-II work well under light polluted sky? I have to figure it out from now on.  At least LPS-V4 should be better if the sky is heavily polluted. It’s only good for nebulae and we have to accept losing star colors though.

Finally Paul Chasse sent me an another wonderful picture.

M31_125SD125SD F3.9 + modified Nikon  D5100 w/HEUIB-II

We can see a hint of various Ha regions and contrasty dark area at the core.  Very nice overall color including stars!!

~ by tedishikawa on September 30, 2013.

5 Responses to “IDAS HEUIB-II Filter – 4”

  1. Ted, great report. I can testify, that after using the HEUIB-II, I really don’t want to use any other filter in my imaging system. You better stock up on these I think once more modded camera users try them, you won’t be able to keep them in stock?

  2. […] Hutech just did some comparison testing of the various IDAS filters, you can see the results here: IDAS HEUIB-II Filter – 4 | DigiBorg He does say the LPS-V4 seems better for light polluted skies? I'm in a Orange zone, so the only LP […]

  3. The ideal arrangement would be to make HEUIB as a replacement for the original Canon internal filter. Rather than replace Canon internal with a UI blocker and then layering the HEUIB on top of that, imagine a 6Da with the internal HEUIB! Could be used for both daytime and astroimaging with any lens or telescope, no need to buy separate HEUIBs for every lens.

    • Yes, that’s ideal. But we have to have big fight with the internal reflections from the sensor. We have already tested it with version 1. That’s why this is version 2. Best possible way is no internal filter and to put HEUIB-II in front of a mirror.

    • Scott

      Thanks for your comment. HEUIB was originally intended to be used as the camera-in filter as you pointed out. That was version one several years ago. But it was so hard to minimize the reflection from the sensor and it didn’t meet our quality standard. So now it was rleased as MFA and regular round type as version 2.

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